What Is Molon Labe
The phrase Molon Labe or using Greek script ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛABE since the phrase is actually Greek is popular among concealed carry and gun rights activists. Its also a slogan for a number of military units around the world including some in the American armed forces and naturally the Greek military. Rubber Bracelet Molon Labe Black Shop Now Nakatanenga 4x4 Equipment For Land Rover Offroad Outdoor ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ meaning come and take them is a classical expression of defiance. What is molon labe . Modern Usage of Molon Labe. Die Marke steht für einen zeitlosen Stil für den Willen. Gun-rights advocates have adopted the phrase as a challenge to perceived attempts by the government to confiscate firearms. Molon Labe steht für einen zeitlosen Stil für den Willen Funktion und Style in die perfekte Balance zu bringen. Today this sentiment has become a rallying cry for 2nd amendment supporters in. It also relates to Spartans surrendering their weapons. The direct translation of Molon...