Can The Prostate Be Removed
This is because its unlikely that the cancer can be cured with surgery and removing the prostate could lead to serious side effects. If the cancer is still thought to be just in the area of the prostate a second attempt to cure it might be possible. Treating Localized Prostate Cancer Effective Health Care Program Prostate removal surgery also called prostatectomy is a procedure to remove prostate gland present in man. Can the prostate be removed . However the most common cause is prostatic cancer as BPH can nowadays be managed with other treatment options. You can do cryotherapy after external beam therapy you can do it after seeds but this is associated with a higher complication rate. If you have had your prostate removed your PSA rises and in actuality the reason is for undetectable cancer in the pelvic lymph nodes and you then are a candidate for external beam therapy. Following are the indications for prostate operation. Half of the men underwent surgery to remove the...